Saving Money on your home energy bills has never been so easy.

North Wales Home Energy was set up to give something back every time you save money by switching your home energy with us.
Every time you switch and save money, we will make a donation from our commission income to Hope House – at no cost to you.
At North Wales Home Energy we are passionate about local businesses and small charities and we were determined to help in some small way. We also believe that many of our customers care too.
It’s simply a matter of going online to our FREE pricing calculator, where you can compare your usage and payment method across the entire market place.
90% of customers will save money, with 10% saving over £300 per year.
If saving money for 2 minutes effort appeals to you, click the link below to visit our charity of the month
We help you Save money on your Home Energy Bills
10% of our customers save more than £330 on their bills
We compare gas and electricity suppliers to help you find the cheapest energy prices
switch to a better deal and cut the cost of your bills!
Or Call us Free on 08001389083
9 out of 10 people using our energy comparison service can save
money on their gas & electricity bills!
It’s completely free
You’ll pay nothing. We get commission from suppliers, and this will not affect the price of any tariff you sign up to using our service.
We compare the whole market
We’ll search all tariffs on the market, so you won’t find a cheaper deal on any other price comparison website.
We are completely impartial
Your results will automatically display every tariff available from every supplier.
Saving is easy
Switching only takes five minutes, and 10% of our customers save more than £330 on their bills after doing so.